As a kid, one of my favorite scenes from any movie, was the chariot race in Ben Hur.
For the Illustration Friday prompt this week of RACING, I was torn between Ben Hur and the Tortoise and the Hare. Hey! Why not do both!! So I give you BEN HARE.
I have to admit, depicting the mild mannered tortoise as the evil aggressor, left me a little rattled. After all, he was the underdog. He was the wise and patient hero/victor in the original.
Then, upon closer observation, I noticed something protruding from under the tortoise's flow-ing red cape. What is that? It looks like a...a....wolf's tail! Has The Big Bad Wolf made another appearance in yet another fable, disguised as the tortoise and anticipating the post-race victory feast of rabbit stew?
OK now I feel much better.